Draper's Cabin Experience

     Draper's Cabin. A brisk primitive cabin located just 0.8 miles up the road from Stepp cemetery. Vince and Edie Caito of Helping Hands Paranormal Investigations, rented this cabin out for three days. The previous week they contacted me to let me know there was a spirit who followed them home. This spirit attached itself to Edie. Edie described this man as being well built, balding and with green pants. The style of this person she explained to me sounded like an old DNR ranger that use to work the park. Were we completely sure it was him? Not at the time. The week before I studied cleansing prayers and protections of all kinds to prepare myself for the removal of this spirit. Edie alerted me multiple times, that this spirit was not happy, that I only had the purpose of removing it.
     July 3rd, 2013 the day came to visit the cabin. I had heard multiple things from this place, but none of them seemed to surround the actual cabin, just literally everything around it; the streams, the woods (hear people talking as you walk down the path, the paths, lime stones, everything that gave off energy. As I was escorted down to the cabin by Vince, Edie let me know immediately this spirit was again not happy I was there. She claimed to know I was there by the crunching feeling in her gut. 
     Once down in the camping section behind the cabin, we took a tour of the actual cabin. I never did feel a weird feeling inside the cabin, much like what I read about from others who had visited.  I called on the assistance of Tammy Roberts (Wican by trade and empath) to help feel out what was in the area. She quickly picked up a male presence and the feeling of pain in the back of her head.  Edie told us of a man committing suicide in early 2013 by shotgun to the back of his head. She also mentioned something happening with a fire. From what history tells us, there was a man set on fire in this location.
    After we took the tour and everyone was settled, we decided to do a PX ovilus and Jensen Ghost box session. The Jensen didn't pull anything, but the PX did. For those that have never used a PX, it speaks with a robotic voice and is (in theory) suppose to pick up energy waves and allow spirits to speak through it by channeling their energy. What usually happens is if you are in a home or building with running equipment such as computers, phones, etc... it ends up picking up those waves. We were in the middle of a forest surrounded by signal killing tree lines, thick and heavy. The PX was going nuts. the words, "January, help, fire and Walter" were the most noticeable words used. I then set it to Phonetic mode, which means, instead of spirits picking the words from the box's dictionary to use, if they were strong enough to speak, this is how they could use their own words.
    Again, it didn't say much, but we did pick up, "Help" and, "I hate you". This gave everyone chills as the spirit who came through, we think was the spirit attached to Edie. Later as it got darker, I performed the removal of this spirit. I was nervous of course, but I had faith in myself as a remover and cleanser and I lit the sage. 
   I gave my soul to the Lord, for protection and in return gave my words power for Edie. I went around her three times making crosses in smoke giving her guidance and making the spirit remove its hold on Edie. I did not ask the spirit to leave to the other side, but I removed it from Edie. Once the cleanse was complete, Edie said she felt the spirit holding on for dear life, but eventually let go of her and left her with its sadness. Edie then claimed to feel like her old self, happy and full of life. I knew at this time, it was a success. Though we could all feel the spirit around us still, it was not able to attach itself ever again. We walked around the cabin and by the bathroom stall doing a mini investigation. Not much else was picked up that night, but we all left the park feeling positive, sore, but positive and good.
I plan to return to this location to do a follow up and see what spirits still remain. Stay with us as we travel to new locations and write these short blogs.

Reid McFatridge

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